Ranking Freddy Krueger's Deaths Worst To Best

6. Origin Death - A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)

Freddy Krueger On Fire
Warner Bros.

There is a lot wrong with the remake of 'A Nightmare on Elm Street', released initially in 2010 by Michael Bay's company, Platinum Dunes. The characters are pretty shallow, the CGI is a bit too much at times and it really doesn't do anything better than the original. On top of all of that, unlike fellow horror icons Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees who have no personality traits other than being fans of murder, Jackie Earle Haley has some pretty impossible shoes to fill when it comes to marauding around as Freddy.

However, one area the film does expand itself on is the backstory of our killer, presenting us with extensive scenes of pre-burned Krueger and his crimes. Whilst we all knew the story of the parents of Elm Street banding together to burn Krueger alive, the reboot does an impressive job in bringing that to a gruesome reality.

Freddy's death in the reboot is made to look as brutal as possible, toying with the idea of making some of us feel sorry for the villain at one point, and actually does a good job in justifying the realism behind Haley's reimagined appearance as Freddy.

This flashback visualisation of Krueger's demise is comfortably better than the film's second Freddy death, which is just another rehashing of pulling our foe into the real world and setting him alight, which was already done perfectly in the original. This predictably turns out to be a fakeout Freddy death by the end of the movie, leaving our origin death as the true Krueger death of the film.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.