Ranking Jean-Claude Van Damme's Boss Fights

5. Kickboxer

Van Damme's Role: Kurt Sloane, former corner-man for his older brother (who was paralyzed by a dirty Muay Thai fighter), must now avenge his brother against that same man in an underground kickboxing tournament in Thailand.

The Bad Guy: Tong Po really does look evil, even with that ridiculous pony tail. And he's an excellent Muay Thai kick boxer, which had already been established when the actor portraying him (Michel Qissi) met his demise in the Semi-Finals of Bloodsport, via Chong Li (Bolo Yeung).

The Fight in a Nutshell: There's a lot going on in this fight: Gloves dipped in glue and broken glass, an implied rape subplot between Tong Po and Van Damme's love interest, and a rescue mission for his kidnapped older brother. Oh, and there's a whole lot of man butt. Like, a weird amount of man butt. A few frustratingly cliched aspects of this one keep it from being and outright classic (the perfectly-timed return of his brother and a bad guy who conveniently and inexplicably forgets how to use his appendages), but the spin kicks flow like water, which makes for an exciting end.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.