Ranking: Liam Neeson's Action Movies From Worst To Best

12. Next Of Kin

After their brother (Bill Paxton) is murdered, Chicago cop Truman (Patrick Swayze) and his hillbilly sibling Briar (Neeson) must team up to track down the perpetrator and wreak sweet revenge. However, their own separate ideals about what justice means soon enough causes conflict. It's worth mentioning that Neeson is only in Next of Kin for a little over an hour (he shows up 25 minutes in and bites the bullet 15 minutes before the end), but serves as a solid counter-point to Swayze's more straight-laced character. With an amusing (and totally believable) southern hick accent, the actor plays one of his more against-type roles, and though he sadly misses out on the action-packed graveyard shootout finale, he still gets a few bada** moments roughing up bars and dispensing vengeance with his trusty shotgun. Not a particularly great or memorable Neeson movie, but it's not a Taken sequel either, so there's that...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.