Ranking March 2018's Movies From Worst To Best

5. Ready Player One

Ready Player One Tye Sheridan
Warner Bros.

RottenTomatoes Score: 76% (7.0/10)

Box Office: With a huge $175 million budget, Steven Spielberg's latest tentpole needed to come surging out of the gate, and that it certainly did with a huge $181.2 million worldwide debut. Whether the film has legs remains to be seen, but it'll end up a modest success in the very least.

Verdict: Those worried that Ready Player One would serve up nothing more than soulless pop-culture references ad nauseum can rest easy: Spielberg makes of Ernest Cline's 2011 novel a visually stunning, witty and well-acted romp that should enchant nerds of all ages.

Sure, the plot and characters take an undeniable backseat to the eye-wateringly gorgeous visuals, but it's overflowing with personality regardless, and ends up feeling decidedly less cynical than many surely expected.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.