Ranking May 2015's Movies From Worst To Best

12. Aloha

RottenTomatoes Score: 14% (4.1/10) Box Office: Aloha cost $40 million to make, and most box office estimates have it at around $8-10 million for its first weekend. Though it could pull the same business as Cameron Crowe's last film We Bought a Zoo, which crawled along steadily and and turned a modest profit, horrendous reviews could easily sink a lot of that promise. The Verdict: It doesn't ever really feel like Aloha had much of a chance: for starters, there's those e-mails leaked during the Sony Pictures hack last year, in which Sony co-chairman (at the time) Amy Pascal said of Aloha, "I€™m never starting a movie again when the script is this ridiculous... and we all know it. I don€™t care how much I love the director and the actors. It never not even once works." It seems that Pascal was totally on the money, because the review embargo for the film only broke the day before release, and the word was almost universally negative. The criticisms are almost too numerous to list in their entirety, but the most common ones are the smug tone, its narrative incoherence, and perhaps strangest of all, an unexpectedly confusing plot. A measure of praise was given to the stupid-good cast and the lush Hawaiian cinematography, but with a duff script, it was largely for nothing. Sadly, Crowe's maddeningly inconsistent career path continues.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.