Rotten Tomatoes Score: 91% (7.8/10) Box Office: Made for $6 million, Beasts has grossed just $86,944 theatrically, but it's of course important to remember that the movie was sold to Netflix for $12 million and was viewed 3 million times in just one week. Though the VOD numbers make financial transparency much more difficult, it's safe to say that the movie is a sure success. The Verdict: Cary Fukunaga follows up his stellar work on True Detective with an unforgettable war movie which sees Idris Elba deliver one of his best performances as a vicious warlord, while Abraham Attah steals the show as the young boy who loses his innocence amid the fog of war. It'll be too tough for many to stomach, but those prepared to sit through its depravity will be rewarded with a hallucinogenic, visually stunning and beautifully acted movie that would do massive favours for the Netflix model if it can secure significant awards attention. Even if not, it's a terrific movie in its own right.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.