Ranking The Rock's Films From Worst To Best

1. Pain And Gain (2013)

Last year, The Rock caught the attention of Michael Bay, and ended up starring opposite Mark Wahlberg in his "low budget" bodybuilding action drama Pain and Gain. Darkly comic in tone, the film allowed Johnson to play his most hilariously barmy role yet, a drug-addicted religious beefcake, half a reflection of his real persona (the bodybuilder part) and half a subversive send-up of it, as Johnson's character is in fact something of a wimp, not wanting to kill or hurt anyone. His high points include having his toe shot off (which a dog then snaps up), and barbecuing some dead guys' hands on a grill to get rid of the fingerprints. Though the film received complaints for trivialising and mocking a very serious real life series of events, this is Michael Bay at his best and most satirical, and everyone else can't help but get swept up for the ride. How would you rate The Rock's work to date? Let us know in the comments thread below.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.