Ranking The Rock's Films From Worst To Best

2. Fast And Furious (2011-)

When The Rock was added to the Fast and Furious line up, I could barely contain my excitement. Not only had the series been moved into a more agreeable heist film style, but now we had Dwayne Johnson chasing after Dominic Toretto and co. as insanely determined, beefy DSS agent Luke Hobbes. It was with the release of Fast Five that we saw Rocky's physique dramatically change, going from a muscular yet still believable figure to a totally statuesque giant, which helped make him seem all that more threatening and credible when chasing down Dominic and his gang. Fast Five helped revitalise the franchise, being a massive box office hit and surprisingly doing well with critics, with many singling out Johnson's savage performance as the best thing in the film. Universal clearly knew they were onto a winner, and ensured to bring him back for Fast and Furious 6, as well as the currently sorta-in-production Fast and Furious 7.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.