Ranking September 2016's Movies - From Worst To Best

11. Blair Witch

Mark Wahlberg Deepwater Horizon Eva Green Miss Peregrine

RottenTomatoes Score: 36% (5.1/10)

Box Office: The $5 million found footage sequel was projected to gross as much as $26 million in its opening weekend, but pulled in a hugely disappointing $9.7 million instead.

Though it's already made its budget back around six times over, this isn't the rejuvenating quasi-reboot Lionsgate were clearly hoping for.

Verdict: A movie undeniably a victim of its own tidal wave of hype, Blair Witch is a crushingly disappointing, woefully generic follow-up to the 1999 classic, largely just rehashing the cliches and scares of the original with minor technological variations (such as the use of drones).

The performances are competent enough, but director Adam Wingard (You're Next, The Guest) fails to generate much scare-wise until the final 20 minutes, which isn't really enough to recommend the movie.

It's an extremely cynical attempt to resurrect the series, and it's rather satisfying that audiences didn't spring for it as it seemed they would.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.