Ranking Taika Waititi Films From Worst To Best

4. Hunt For The Wilderpeople

Thor Taika Waititi
The Orchard

Hunt for the Wilderpeople is equally as poignant and is it funny.

An incredible adventure, the focus here is on a rebellious and defiant child who goes on the run from social services, rangers and the police - all with his foster uncle in tow - through the New Zealand bush.

Julian Dennison is phenomenal as Ricky, and he easily holds the film together. The young actor has great comedic timing - it's no surprise that he landed a key role in Deadpool 2 shortly after this film - and manages to land all the emotional beats with ease. Just as impressive, of course, is industry veteran Sam Neill as his particularly prickly uncle Hector who just wants to be left alone in the wilderness.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople truly succeeds thanks to the fantastic chemistry of its two stars. They convey their initially hostile relationship well, before showing the slow shift into a more caring dynamic as Hector softens and Ricky becomes more trusting. The whacky characters they meet along the way also deserve a mention, with Rachel House's super serious social services officer and Rhys Darby's potentially insane anti-government wild man being standouts.

The endearing relationship between the two leads is the major reason to watch Hunt for the Wilderpeople. But, if you need another, Taika Waititi also cameos as a priest who loves metaphors.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.