Ranking The Coen Brothers Movies From Worst To Best

14. True Grit

No Country For Old Men
Paramount Pictures

A remake of the John Wayne classic, the Coen’s heavy Western influences come home to roost as Jeff Bridges takes on John Waynes iconic role and attempts to help a young girl to avenge her fathers death.

An excellent update on the much-loved original, the film features three excellent performances from its leads in Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon and a stand-out turn from Hailee Steinfeld as Mattie Ross. Mattie and Rooster’s back and forth is always endearing and the story is well-paced and brimming with excitement throughout. You engage and root for the characters and the Coen brothers always excellent writing make even the most insignificant of side characters come to life.

There is an argument to say that the original didn’t need a remake and perhaps to a degree that may be true, but the Coen’s are Western cinema aficionados and the film works extremely well as a homage to those influences. Their desire to pay fitting tribute to the original does deprive the script of some of that Coen genius- but it is an excellent retelling with some fantastic performances.


Writer/Editor/Director/Film-Maker/Frequenter of Childish Gambino’s Spotify Page- basically a perpetual procrastinator who never finishes anyt.... Got this Twitter thing goin' @ByrnAfterReadin