Ranking The Howling Movies Worst To Best

2. The Howling V: The Rebirth (1989)

Rsz Howling 3 Nun
Artisan Entertainment

After three sequels ranging from sub-par to absolutely disastrous, The Howling V: The Rebirth does the unthinkable and dares to be a really good, highly atmospheric horror tale.

The movie follows a group of strangers as they attend the re-opening of a castle in Hungary. Soon it transpires that each one bears a connection to the lycanthrope bloodline that inhabited the castle years before. One among the guests is a very active and hungry werewolf... but who?

The Rebirth is such an apt title for The Howling V as it truly is the shining jewel among the franchise's very questionable sequels. In what was no doubt a cost-cutting move, the film chooses a whodunit route, focusing on a lone wolf rather than a colony. This makes the movie play out much like a slasher or a werewolf-centric Agatha Christie mystery.

The Rebirth drips with atmosphere as the wind howls around impressive gothic sets with seemingly endless tunnels. The snowbound setting is a delightful change of pace for a series that previously favored sun-dappled deserts and woodland hideaways.

The captivating atmosphere is topped off by a ridiculously eerie choral score and haunting ambient sound design. There is so much visual appeal to this sequel that one can forgive a couple of performances that might be just the tiniest bit stilted. If you see one Howling sequel, make it this one.

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The Howling
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Hi! The first thing you should know about me is that I'm a HUGE horror movie nut. A confirmed addict to the WhatCulture Horror YouTube channel I thought I'd try my luck on their writing team. I'm a wannabe author with one completed manuscript submitted to a few agents. Please cross your fingers for me! I am currently working on my second book. If you wanna talk horror or need any movie recommendations, I'm your man! Give me a follow on Instagram... since there doesn't seem to be a section for that in the "socials" tab @that_horror_nerd