Razzies 2018: 7 Winners That Make No Sense

7. Worst Director - Tony Leondis (The Emoji Movie)

The Emoji Movie
Sony Pictures Animation

Razzies voters typically tend to just give the Worst Director award to whatever also won the Worst Picture Razzie, even if a movie's direction really wasn't the problem.

That's certainly the case with Worst Picture victor The Emoji Movie, where 99% of its problems stem from the script. The direction isn't anything to shout home about, but it's also basically fine: with a better script, it would've been serviceable for an adequately-produced animated film.

Who Should've Won: Let's take Darren Aronofsky (mother!) out of contention right away because it's embarrassing he's even nominated.

Basically, Michael Bay (Transformers: The Last Knight), James Foley (Fifty Shades Darker) and Alex Kurtzman (The Mummy) would all be more deserving winners, but because Bay's movie did deliver some howling laughs and thrilling action and Fifty Shades Darker's direction served its material fine, it really has to fall to Kurtzman.

In his first attempt at helming a tentpole picture, the blockbuster screenwriter was clearly totally out of his depth, and it further impacted an already wonky movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.