Razzies 2019: 7 Winners That Make No Sense

4. Worst Supporting Actor - John C. Reilly (Holmes & Watson)

Holmes And Watson Will Ferrell John C Reilly

Holmes & Watson sucks, we get it, but considering that John C. Reilly was easily the best thing about the movie - though that's not saying much - was he really deserving of the Worst Supporting Actor Razzie?

He did more than the bare minimum with the horrid material he was given - more than can be said for Worst Actor nominee Will Ferrell - and considering how splendid the rest of his 2018 was (netting a Golden Globe nod for Stan & Ollie above all else), couldn't we let him off here?

Who Should've Won: We can discount two of the fellow nominees immediately - Jamie Foxx, who was one of the few actors in Robin Hood actually having any fun, and Joel McHale in The Happytime Murders, who at least roused a good laugh or two.

The leaves us with Ludacris, who thoroughly deserved his critical kicking for voicing canine protagonist Max in Show Dogs, and easily the worst-of-show, Justice Smith, whose ear-spitting screeching as nerdy techie Franklin Webb in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom was painfully bad.

Smith was so irritating he makes it tougher to be excited about Detective Pikachu (in which he plays the human lead). That voters thought Reilly was more deserving than him is simply absurd.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.