Razzies 2019: 7 Winners That Make No Sense

5. Worst Actress - Melissa McCarthy (The Happytime Murders)

The Happytime Murders Phil Phillips Melissa McCarthy

A day before she headed to the Oscars to compete for the Best Supporting Actress Oscar, Melissa McCarthy won the Worst Actress Razzie for her performance in The Happytime Murders.

As underwhelming as the movie was, McCarthy's performance was so anodyne and forgettable it's tough to see why she was even nominated.

One suspects she won the award solely so Razzie voters could deliver the poetic justice of also giving her the Razzie Redeemer award this year for her performance in Can You Ever Forgive Me?

But on pure facts, McCarthy didn't really have much business getting a nod here.

Who Should've Won: This is a tough one because there's nothing truly terrible nominated - no, not even Amber Heard in London Fields - so it's a case of picking the worst of a mediocre bunch.

Jennifer Garner sold her role in lame action-thriller Peppermint about as well as could be expected, while Amanda Seyfried was just...there in The Clapper, leaving only Helen Mirren's disappointing work in Winchester.

Mirren should've won because while nobody really expected anything from the four other nominated performances, an actress of Mirren's repute really should've had some campy fun with this one.

Instead her turn as Sarah Winchester was oddly flat and saw her rocking an embarrassingly unconvincing American accent.

We still you, Hels, but you really deserved to take this one home.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.