Razzies 2020: 10 Nominees That Make No Sense

2. Neil Marshall (Hellboy) - Worst Director

Hellboy 2019 Baba Yaga

Though none of this year's Worst Director nominees ended up producing good movies, there's one among the pack that just doesn't really belong.

In addition to Fred Durst (The Fanatic), James Franco (Zeroville), Adrian Grunberg (Rambo: Last Blood), and Tom Hooper (Cats), Hellboy's Neil Marshall pointlessly made the cut.

As bad a film as Hellboy might be, the majority of the problems actually lie with Andrew Cosby's Razzie-nominated script.

Between Marshall's lower-budget genre film work (Dog Soldiers, Doomsday) and excellent helming of several pivotal Game of Thrones episodes, he's clearly an extremely talented director, and in this case, didn't have much to work with in the first place.

More to the point, it's no secret that Hellboy was put through the studio mangle during post-production, so it feels a tad unfair to blame Marshall for the end result.

Compare that to Cats, where the janky, CGI-slathered production was actually Tom Hooper's misguided idea, and so he should probably win the award outright.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.