Ready Player One: 135 Easter Eggs & References Explained

33. Iron Giant

Ready Player One Movie Iron Giant
Warner Bros.

As the trailers so charitably revealed as a big part of the marketing, the Iron Giant appears a couple of times throughout the film - first in Aech's workshop as the big thing she's currently working on - and then in the big battle at the end of the movie.

Despite the animated version saying he is "not a gun", this version comes equipped with laser eyes that do some serious damage to the Sixers.

32. Hello Kitty

There's an avatar modelled on Hello Kitty that apepars a couple of times in The OASIS. Clearly not one built for battle.

31. Aech's Jacket

In the real world, Aech wears a jacket with lots of references on it, including a Wonder Woman badge, a nod to Rocky Horror Picture Show, a Dead Kennedy's logo and Thundercats among others.


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