Ready Player One: 135 Easter Eggs & References Explained

30. Monty Python & The Holy Grail

Holy Hand Grenade
EMI Films

Another of the artifacts that Parzival uses to change the flow of the battle in his favour in the climactic Planet Doom sequence is the Holy Hand Grenade from Monty Pyhton & The Holy Grail.

29. Saturday Night Fever

During the nightclub scene at the Distracted Globe, Parzival and Art3mis dance to Night Fever from Saturday Night Fever, complete with the light-up dance floors and the same shapes John Travolta throws in the movie.


Halliday was a big fan of the classic board game SIMON as he had it in his bedroom as a child, which the film's ending reveals. As an indication of that love, there's also a SIMON badge on the grown-up Halliday's lapel.

27. Madballs

Madballs Ready Player One

The classic toys are an important part of the last battle as it's a Madball that Art3mis uses as an explosive to take down Nolan in the final battle by throwing it through the eye of his Mecha-Godzilla. Which is a very odd sentence to write.

26. Hall & Oates

The film ends with Hall & Oates' wonderful "You Make My Dreams Come True" playing over the credits, which is a touching personal reference for writer Ernest Cline. It's the song that he and his wife walked down the aisle to - Spielberg included it in honour of them.

25. Optimus Prime

The most famous Transformer appears in the final battle sequence on Planet Doom.


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