Red Sonja Movie Reboot: 10 Things We Need To See

1. No Cinematic Universe Set-Ups

Red Sonja Movie Reboot

2011's Conan the Barbarian didn't really meet the reception it deserved. It was a full-on, R-rated action adventure that was tons of fun to watch, not least thanks to Jason Momoa's distinctive take on the title role.

Still, given the film died horribly at the box office, it's for the best that it didn't fall into that now-familiar trap of trying to set up a franchise - even though production company Millennium Films originally had Red Sonja earmarked as a follow-up.

Had that been a success, it's fair to assume a Red Sonja-Conan movie would also have followed. And who knows, maybe if this latest take on Red Sonja gets made, a further Conan reboot and future crossovers could still be possible.

But let's heed the cautionary tales of the DCEU and the Dark Universe. Do not go in guns blazing, confident that you're kick-starting a cinematic universe that's going to blow Marvel out of the water. It's pompous, off-putting, and frankly it's setting yourself up for a fall.

Red Sonja can certainly allude to being set within a broader world where other great heroes dwell, but the focus should first and foremost be on making one great movie, rather than gazing off at other things that might (or might not) be coming down the line.

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Red Sonja
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