Resident Evil Movie Reboot: 10 Things It MUST Get Right

1. Remember, It's A Horror Movie

Resident Evil 2002

Above all, this movie needs to be scary. When Paul W.S. Anderson presented his first Resident Evil adaptation to the world, it was clear almost immediately that he had decided to throw out suspense, action and the struggle for survival and bring in heavy metal soundtracks, slow-motion action sequences and enough adrenaline to give viewers a heart attack.

Everything about the original Resident Evil film series reeks of a teenage boys’ idea of a “cool” movie; bullet time, laser corridors, clones and a lack of care for storytelling.

Director Johannes Roberts has promised that the new movie will take Resident Evil back to its horror roots. His own credentials lie largely in the horror genre and he gained surprising success with his tense thriller 47 Meters Down, so things are looking positive.

The action-bent of the live action movies ultimately had an effect on the game series itself, which began featuring characters who could be run over by a truck and still survive without a hair out of place.

Slow motion effects, quick-time fights and laser corridors infested the games for a few years and perhaps, as the games have now shifted back to horror from Resident Evil VII, maybe we will see the games once more begin to influence the movies.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.