Resident Evil Movie Reboot: 10 Things It MUST Get Right

2. No "Wire-Fu" Or Ridiculous Parkour

Resident Evil 2002
Screen Gems

Let’s leave this stuff in the 1990s where it belongs, hey? The Matrix films were undoubtedly a massive influence on cinema, with action scenes that broke all of the rules and were incredibly innovative at the time.

Back before bullet time became tedious and overdone, it was actually ridiculously cool to see. Back when actors running across walls, clearly guided by wires, was seen as cool and not cheesy. And back when the fighting style in nearly every movie, regardless of setting, was a vaguely defined form of “kung fu.”

As the Anderson film series went on it seemed to become more and more pre-occupied with how many flips Milla Jovovich could do in a fight scene. None of them look realistic and they’re all incredibly staged.

The new film should aim for less fist fighting (we do NOT need to see Leon attempt to throw down with a heavily mutated William Birkin) and more on the characters having to use their wit, their desperation and their skills to try and survive. The origins of survival horror lie in having to strategically choose which enemies are worth your time and resources to fight, as opposed to an endless sequence of battles.


I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.