Resident Evil Movie Reboot: 10 Things It MUST Get Right

6. Establish Your Own Continuity And Stick To It

Resident Evil 2002

One of the biggest weaknesses of the Paul W.S. Anderson movies was that there was no internal sense of continuity. It’s one thing to produce a series that barely adapts the games it purports to be based upon, most filmgoers could accept that. Yet the original franchise not only ignores its own continuity but seems actively to hate it.

Remember when Resident Evil: Extinction told us that the entire planet had been turned into a desert wasteland and all of the oceans and seas had dried right up?

Well fans had only to wait for the following movie, Afterlife, to see that the planet was once again very wet, with large parts of that movie taking place on or near large bodies of water.

Not to mention characters would appear and disappear without explanation. The structure of Umbrella seemed to change from movie to movie and the whole franchise ended on a twist that undermined the entire series. It will be a huge win for the reboot series if it can just keep its own continuity in order.


I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.