Resident Evil Movie Reboot: 10 Things It MUST Get Right

5. Focus On Building Atmosphere

Resident Evil 2002

The best part of any Resident Evil game is the atmosphere. The sense of tension and lurking dread as you never know what might be around the next corner or if you will even have enough ammo to defeat it.

Depending on how much content the movie chooses to faithfully adapt from the game there’s going to be a whole lot to fit in here. They must not make the mistake of rushing it. We don’t need heart pounding action scenes within thirty seconds of the opening credits. A slow and suspenseful build will work much better, and in terms of running time, the flick should be looking to run about two hours.

Whilst it is true that many modern films feel bloated through including content they simply didn’t need to, the opposite problem can also be true with adaptations falling far short of their original source material.

We all remember what happened when they tried to make a 90 minute Dark Tower movie, right?


I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.