Rise Of Skywalker: 13 Visual Dictionary Revelations That Change EVERYTHING

5. The New Calendar System

starkiller base

Something to drive the Wookiepedians wild, but the Rise of Skywalker Dictionary upends the calendar system as it's been known for the last 40 years.

Where beforehand, everything was known in relation to A New Hope (BBY = Before the Battle of Yavin and ABY = After the Battle of Yavin), the new measurement scale puts Starkiller Base as the linchpin of the canon.

Known as "BSI" and "ASI" (Before/After Starkiller Incident), it's at least an attempt to give the newer movies some sort of retroactive importance and weight, whenever we talk about other events in the saga.

Going forward, rather than Luke being born 19 BBY, it's now 53 BSI, forcing endless calculations depending on how deeply you think about the Star Wars timeline.

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