Rob Zombie's 5 Defining Moments As A Director

5. Halloween

Michael Myers Rob Zombies Halloween Loads of people will disagree with me when I say that Rob Zombie's Halloween was pretty good. Sure I understand that no one wanted a remake of John Carpenter's iconic horror movie in the first place but let's face it after all the sequels that Hollywood (and in particular Moustapha Akkad) churned out what harm could one more Halloween really do? I've never understood fans who start hate campaigns when their favourite movie gets the remake/reboot treatment because what exactly does it take away from the original? Nothing - that's what. In Zombie's mind Michael Myers became far more human than we'd ever seen before and although even I cringed at the thought of demystifying the character the end result was rather fascinating. You'll remember that in the original franchise no real explanation for Myers' actions was given other than the weird cult idea in Halloween 6, so seeing Myers as a seemingly normal (he turns out not to be) young boy in a poor white trash family was a neat little spin on the tired and tested formula of old. Humanising Michael Myers was just too much for many fans and despite only appearing as a kid for a little while it was enough to make people turn off. If you haven't seen Rob Zombies Halloween I would advise giving it a go with a completely open mind. If his other works weren't your cup of tea then still give it a look as it was like nothing else he's ever made up until that point and showed Zombies prowess as a film maker outside of his own unique creations.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.