Rob Zombie's 5 Defining Moments As A Director

4. Werewolf Women Of The SS

werewolf woman of the ss Remember how big a deal it was when Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez decided to make their Grindhouse movie? Well those lucky sons of guns in the USA were fortunate enough to see the whole thing in one slightly messy but hugely entertaining lump while us lesser mortals in Blighty were force fed Planet Terror and Death Proof as two entirely separate movies except for the odd exception or midnight showing in some crappy Student Union. Well when the original uncut version hit cinemas the two movies were separated by a bunch of nifty trailers for non existent movies (Machete and Hobo with a Shotgun did end up as their own movies) including one by Rob Zombie called Werewolf Women of the SS. The concept was simple enough. Adolf Hitler - the ridiculously moustached nutter who tried to take over the world back in your Grandparent's day - creates a race of Werewolf women in a bid to get the upper hand over his enemies during the dying days of World War 2. Featuring an 'all star cast' (ahem) including Udo Kier, Sherri Moon Zombie and Nicolas Cage as ... wait for it ... Fu Manchu, the trailer can't help but look totally thrown together but I defy you not to want to go out and see it at the cinema had it ever been turned into a full movie. Yeah this is pretty silly but it's these kind of movie that turned Zombie into the film maker he is today and it's these kinds of idea he'll be bringing to the table whenever you go and see his work at the cinema or watch at home on DVD. And as silly an idea as Werewolf Women of the SS may seem the trailer has more in the way of plot in 90 seconds than Lords of Salem does in its entirety.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.