Robin Hood Trailer Reaction: 3 Ups & 2 Downs


3. Egerton Is Great

Robin Hood Taron Egerton
Summit Entertainment

While the trailer presented quite a few problems with Robin Hood, there was also a pretty big positive to take away from it, and that's Taron Egerton, as it's looking like the leading man delivers a great performance in his role as Robin. The young actor has proven himself capable of leading action films in the past with his work in The Kingsman franchise, so playing a medieval thief should be right up his street.

Whether or not the script lives up to Egerton's performance remains to be seen, but at least the actor has given us something to look forward to. Moreover, since we only caught a glimpse of his performance in the trailer, we'll likely be in for a treat when we see the Welsh actor in action when the movie hits theatres in November.

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Robin Hood
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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.