Runaways: 5 Reasons Why It Should Be Marvel's Next Movie Priority

runaways-mainRunaways started ten years as a side project for writer Brian K Vaughn and Adrian Alphona. It is a comic about a group of Los Angeles children and teenagers who discover their parents to be crime bosses and are planning an ancient ritual to bring about the end of the world. Escaping, they discover their unique powers and abilities and, on the run from a planted murder charge, the group discover how to work together to save the world. Runaways is currently on hiatus (and sadly has been since 2009) but plans for a film have tentatively been made and may even kick into production in 2013 now that Marvel priority The Avengers has been made to astronomical critical and commercial success. The comic remains one of the best cult favourite and hidden gems of Marvel's extensive catalogue and it's a shame more people haven't read it. In the wake of Phase Two of the Marvel movies beginning very soon with Iron Man 3, I though I'd make my case as to why Runaways (a comic so good geek god Joss Whedon has been extremely vocal in his support of and asked to helm a run) deserves to be made into a fully-fledged film and to become something new and exciting in the bright future of superhero movies...
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.