Sam Rockwell: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 You Won't Remember

1. Awesome- Moon

Sam Rockwell gives a truly masterful multilayered performance in 2009's sci-fi drama, Moon. Playing Sam Bell, an astronaut nearing the end of a 3 year mining mission on the moon, we discover that he has been solitary the entire time, cut off from the rest of the world. After awaking from an accident he can't remember, Bell discovers that he has been cloned, and now begins to wonder if he is real or his new found double is more than what he appears to be. The film continues to pave a labyrinth of mystery as Bell becomes more obsessed in finding out who is real and who is not, going so far as to revive a 3rd clone. Rockwell plays these 3 roles with such distinguished subtlety, never allowing the scenes to play out as uproarious, but instead creating a mystery around each of his incarnations. This performance is a difficult one to master for any actor, and Rockwell achieves a great feat in handling the work. He was unforgivably over-looked for his work with any sort of Oscar consideration, but we are happy to acknowledge his turn in Moon as his best work yet.

Kyle Hytonen is a film school grad, an independent film-maker, photographer and sleeper-inner.