Samuel L Jackson: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. The Octopus - The Spirit (2008)

There are very few missteps in the modern history of superhero movies, but Frank Miller's noir effort is as bad as it gets, just about getting its affection for pulp right, as well as the sexy posturing, but missing everything else that makes comic book movies enduringly populist. The film is an exercise in hyperbole and aesthetic fetishism to the detriment of substance and technique: Miller might be a creative influence, but he is not a director, and clearly has no idea how to put shots together or how to get anything out of his actors. As a result the film lacks direction badly, and the performances are soulless and grotesque, bearing all of the hallmarks of an orchestra without the refined touch of a composer. Like the film in general, Jackson's performance aims for cool and posturing, but it lacks any impact whatsoever, and is about as subtle as a sledgehammer enema. Which Samuel L Jackson performances do you think deserve to be on this list? Share your picks below in the comments thread.

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