Sandra Bullock: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Gracie Hart - Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (2005)

Miss Congeniality TV I don't know what it is about Sandra Bullock and sequels, but she just can't seem to get them right. Like Speed 2, Miss Congeniality 2 lacks all of the first movie's redeeming factors. It's like the writer said: "Hey, that worked once... why not try it again?" and then failed to include any of parts that worked except for Sandra Bullock. As great as she is, though, she doesn't seem particularly capable of holding up a movie on her own. With some very terrible scenes involving Sandra Bullock as an old lady, and some equally terrible sight gags involving Vegas dancer outfit, Miss Congeniality 2 misses the mark in a big way. With a whopping 4.7 IMDB rating, this flick not only fails to make the grade, it apparently didn't even apply to take the exam in the first place. It also has a number of stupidly racist moments that serve only to lower Sandra's credibility. The whole movie just seems like a cheap remake of the first (which, I guess it is). Perhaps the only redeeming factor is that Nick Offerman is here.

Just small town Canadian boy with a love for movies, food and whales. I'm a knower of Oscar trivia and a flair for social media (not really, I just wanted it to rhyme).