Sandra Bullock: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. Linda Schell - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011)

Extremely Loud Bullock Like Crash, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a gripping movie that deals with heavy subject matter. Also like Crash, this movie does not showcase Bullock in a leading lady way. The movie is centred on young Oskar and his relationship with his father (Tom Hanks), who died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Oskar is plagued with anxiety and it is implied that he struggles with some form of autism. He ultimately goes on a long treasure hunt that he believes was set up by his father. He makes friends with an elderly mute neighbour who helps him on his journey. Bullock masterfully plays his very upset mother, Linda. Throughout the film, Oskar ignores his mother and believes that she didn't love his father as much as he did, and that she has no interest in his treasure hunt. Bullock successfully plays the defeated wife who can't stand the thought of losing her son. Though she is not the star of the film and really only has a few appearances, she very much steals every scene she's in. The final climax of the film (which I won't ruin for you here) results in a fantastic moment of classic Bullock acting. This movie is definitely worth watching for her alone.

Just small town Canadian boy with a love for movies, food and whales. I'm a knower of Oscar trivia and a flair for social media (not really, I just wanted it to rhyme).