Saw: Every Movie's Main Game Ranked

8. Saw V - The Fatal Five

Saw 3D Joyce

Game: Five people who are all partly responsible for a deadly fire are put through a series of brutal tests.

On paper, this game actually sounds pretty good. Much like most of the best Saw games and traps, it's testing a group of characters who have done something truly appalling, and the final revelation that all five of them could've survived the game had they worked together was well-judged. At the very least, it shows Jigsaw and his apprentices giving everyone a chance and practicing what they preach just for once.

But once again, on paper.

The game does end well, with the last two survivors discussing their terrible mistake in quite a thought-provoking scene, and it's nice to see them both survive in a series where few characters make it out alive, but other than that? This is a truly awful storyline.

The traps are rubbish, the writing and direction are mostly risible, and worst of all, the only particularly interesting character of the five, Charles (Carlo Rota, aka Morris O'Brien from 24), dies far too early. Also, it seems pretty ludicrous that the five of them didn't work out that all five of them could've survived the game, as the second and third traps in particular were clearly survivable.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.