Saw: Every Movie's Main Game Ranked

6. Jigsaw - The First Game

Saw 3D Joyce

Game: In a game that is ultimately revealed to have been Jigsaw's very first large-scale one, which is taking place ten years before the film's other scenes do, five people who are (mostly) guilty of appalling crimes but were never caught are put through a series of tests in an abandoned barn.

Jigsaw's first ever game is pretty basic, with fairly simple and forgettable traps. Still, given that this is supposed to be Jigsaw's first game, that does make sense. Besides, even if this isn't the most creative of games, and even if most will guess that these events are taking place in the past very early on, it's still pretty solid overall.

The gore-effects are stomach churning, it's pretty darn suspenseful, and perhaps best of all, it is a thought-provoking look at karma, much like the best Saw games are. In stark contrast to, say, Daniel Rigg from the aforementioned Saw IV, the four characters in the game are genuinely repugnant people who've all caused at least one death. In fact, this game gets really disturbing at times, especially when the crimes of the characters are revealed.

It's certainly not deep - this is Saw, after all! - but it's a bluntly thought-provoking depiction of humanity at its very worst. Better still, we get to see these scumbags die horrific, gory deaths, which is joyous to watch.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.