Saw: Every Movie's Main Game Ranked

1. Saw VI - William's Game

Saw 3D Joyce

Game: Corrupt health insurance executive William Easton (Peter Outerbridge), who once refused coverage for John Kramer to go abroad to try experimental treatment for his cancer, is kidnapped alongside many of his employees and put through a series of harrowing games in which he must decide which of them live and which of them die.

As Saw games go, William's Game in Saw VI might just be Jigsaw's masterpiece.

Several different factors contribute to a truly strong Saw game, including great traps, strong filmmaking, disturbing twists, thought-provoking moral ambiguity, and very importantly, morally grey characters so that, as appalling as Jigsaw's methods are, one can at least understand why he's going after those people.

Well, this game has all of that.

Saw VI is very well-directed, every single trap is an all-timer, the ending is nightmarishly twisted, it's filled with agonizing suspenseful and potent psychological horror. And as if all of those things weren't enough, the entire thing is a gloriously messed-up and unexpectedly effective attack on the US healthcare system.

The acting is hit-or-miss, but otherwise this game gets pretty much everything right. Quite frankly, it would've felt downright wrong to put anything else at the top.

As for whether or not it'll ever be topped, after the surprise success of Saw X the future of Saw is looking pretty bright, so who knows? It might happen. For now though, William's Game is the gold standard of Saw games.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.