Scream: 20 WTF Moments

4. The Hilarious Basement Gag

Scream 2022

In terms of recurring gags, though, there's nothing funnier than the basement gag, which pays homage to the iconic scene from the original Scream/Stab where Dewey's sister Tatum (Rose McGowan) is killed by Ghostface after going into the basement to grab some beers.

When Wes' memorial party runs out of beer, Amber decides to head down to the basement alone, where she's creeped upon by Mindy, who tells Amber that she was testing her by sending her down to the basement by herself, and that she should've asked her to go with her with a killer on the loose.

The two amusingly go back and forth, jokingly insinuating that they could be the real killer before heading back upstairs.

Later on we get a variation on the joke when Richie goes down to the basement for beer, but is first sure to ask Mindy if she wants to come with him. She refuses, but admits that he was right to ask.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.