Scream: 20 WTF Moments

5. Wes' Memorial Party Is In Stu Macher's House

Scream 2022

To remember their fallen friend Wes, his pals throw a "memorial" which turns out to be an alcohol-fuelled party at Amber's (Mikey Madison) house.

While this was freely spoiled if you paid much attention to the trailers, it actually turns out that Amber's home is none other than Stu Macher's house from the original movie, which her parents bought and consequently got her interested in the original killings.

This lays the groundwork for a ton of meta jokes as scenes from the original film's party scene are recreated or homaged.

Hilariously, we even get to see Randy's niece Mindy watching the scene from the first Stab where Randy is himself watching Halloween and telling Jamie Lee Curtis, "Look behind you!"

In a mind-bendingly meta moment, this occurs all while Mindy is herself being approached by Ghostface from behind, though thankfully she barely manages to avoid being shish-kebabbed by the killer.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.