Scream: 20 WTF Moments

12. The Whole "Requel" Discussion

Scream 2022

Sam has all of her friends gather at the Meeks' home where she reveals to them that she's Billy Loomis' daughter, and given that the killer knew this, she suggests that one of the people in the room must be the new Ghostface.

But the real meat of this discussion is the group realising that, because the first three victims of the new killer - Tara, Vince, and Sam - are all related to one of the original killers, it seems that the new killer is attempting to make a "requel" of the original killings.

Mindy then goes on to talk about the recent Stab requel, which hilariously enough was an elevated horror film directed by Rian Johnson and which hardcore Stab fans hated because it deviated from the slasher whodunnit formula.

Mindy continues on with an hilarious monologue about toxic fans who despise anything different and take it as a personal affront if the latest movie in their most cherished franchise doesn't deliver exactly what they want.

And then to circle back to the current killings, Mindy theorises that the killer is making their own version of Stab 8 but as a requel, hearkening back to the original Stab movies but with a dash of something new, and of course, roping in "legacy characters" like Dewey.

Quite understandably, Sam's disturbed reaction to this is - "Are you telling me I'm caught in the middle of fan f**king fiction!?"

For anyone so utterly fed up of legacy sequels and the like, this was a tremendously satisfying scene.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.