Scream VI: 22 WTF Moments

4. The Killers Are Richie's Family - Bailey, Quinn & Ethan

Scream VI

And now comes the most deflating moment in the entire movie - the big reveal.

As it turns out, Scream VI is the first film in the series to feature three primary killers, with the main villain being Detective Bailey, who confirms his villainy by shooting and wounding Kirby.

The second killer is then unmasked as Ethan, Bailey's secret son, and finally, the third Ghostface is Bailey's daughter Quinn, who faked her death earlier in the story.

Beyond being disappointingly obvious, it's an extremely convoluted reveal, especially as Bailey explains that he faked Quinn's death by swapping her body out with a different one.

As for the motive? Like Scream 2, it's good old-fashioned revenge, as Detective Bailey is the father of Richie, with Quinn and Ethan being his siblings.

Their goal? Finish the "movie" that Richie started as a tribute to their fallen family member - kill Sam and frame her as the new Ghostface, a conspiracy theory which Quinn herself started on Reddit.

Ultimately it's a reveal that's both the least interesting of the series and simply asks the audience to accept too much dubious plotting. First and foremost, would Bailey really be able to get away with nobody knowing his son was Richie? It's tough to buy.

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Scream 6
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.