Scream VI: 22 WTF Moments

15. Mindy's Movie Monologue

Scream VI

It's a Scream movie, so of course there's a monologue in which the most genre-savvy character explains the "rules" of the situation, and as with the previous film this honour falls to Randy's (Jamie Kennedy) horror buff niece Mindy (Jasmin Savoy Brown).

Mindy explains that the killer is making a sequel to the requel, possibly attempting to echo Stab 2 - where the heroes also went to college away from Woodsboro - but most importantly, the heroes are now in a franchise.

As a result, this new rampage will be bigger and bloodier than before with more elaborate set-pieces, while subverting expectations by delivering a totally different killer to last time.

Hilariously, Mindy says we shouldn't expect "whiney snowflake film nerds with Letterboxd accounts instead of personalities," while adding that every character is expandable in an ongoing franchise.

The four survivors from the previous film of course insist they can't be the killer, but the new members of the ensemble cast - Quinn (Liana Liberato), Ethan (Jack Champion), and Anika (Devyn Nekoda) - understandably don't quite see it that way.

As Rules Monologues go it's probably the weakest in the series so far, but six movies into a franchise it's admittedly tough to make this shtick feel fresh.

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Scream 6
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.