Sean Bean's 10 Greatest Deaths

7. Henry VIII (2002)

henry8 Ah, period drama, a mainstay of British television that has provided employment throughout the years to almost every actor and actress that the United Kingdom has produced, Sean Bean (who looks suspiciously similar to Russell Crowe in the above image) amongst them. Anybody who has ever attended a British educational institution knows the story of Henry VIII and his six wives (divorced-beheaded-died-divorced-beheaded-survived), but school textbooks place less emphasis on the other people in the regent€™s life, most of whom met gory ends in a similar fashion to Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard. Screen adaptations, however, attempt to tell the whole story. In recent years, the most popular adaptation has been Showtime€™s The Tudors (even if it took ridiculous amounts of artistic license), but in 2003, ITV released a fairly acclaimed serial telling of the story that featured Sean Bean as Robert Aske, a lawyer who partakes in rebellion against the crown. Not being particularly forgiving to rebels, Ray Winstone€™s Henry VIII brutally hangs him in chains from the Tower of London. Shown In Video Below At - 01.28

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.