Sean Bean's 10 Greatest Deaths

5. Black Death (2010)

sean-bean-black-death For a film made on the cheap in Germany, Black Death is surprisingly not terrible, featuring a predominantly British cast in a medieval story that incorporates adventure, horror and drama. A young monk named Osmund (Eddie Redmayne) becomes a guide for a group of soldiers led by Sean Bean€™s Ulric, who are searching for a remote village untouched by the titular Black Death where a necromancer is said to dwell. The village is discovered to be a creepy and mysterious utopia where Osmund, Ulric and company are drugged and imprisoned after witnessing a girl being brought back from the dead. Freedom is offered to those who renounce God, though given the setting, none are willing to do so. This results in Ulric being tied to two horses, which are sent in different directions to strain his limbs and dismember him (an execution method that was favoured by Atilla the Hun). It is perhaps the most graphic of the many deaths that Bean has filmed in his career, being somewhat difficult to stomach. Shown In Video Below At - 01.14

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.