Shane Black’s The Predator: 10 Critical Reactions You Need To See

5. If You Want A Fun Action Movie, You'll Get One

The Predator 2018 movie
20th Century Fox
"This is an action-filled, popcorn movie with no aspirations for anything more. This movie throws caution to the wind in service of creating 2-hours worth of brain-melting thrills." - The Playlist
"You might be wondering how the action fares and for the most part it's good. The chases and shootouts are well-done." - JoBlo
"It's not Black at his best, but it's a fun diversion as long as you don't think about it too hard." - Digital Spy

September is normally a dry month at the movies, with the year's summer blockbusters in the rear-view mirror and the upcoming awards fare and big-budget winter treats on the road ahead.

But The Predator is bucking this trend, delivering the action and excitement typically found in June, July or August releases and giving September a much-needed pump of exhilarating franchise juice.

While it's disappointing to hear the movie described as "brain-melting" and a "fun diversion" (those phrases just make it sound dumb), it's at least good to know that The Predator is an entertaining ride.

If you buy a ticket, expect to have a great time at the movies, which, well... is what the cinema is for.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.