Shang-Chi: Every Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Xialing

Shang Chi
Marvel Studios

Shang Chi's sister Xialing is as skilled a martial artist as she is an ambitious strategist, soundly taking her brother to school early in the movie during an impromptu cage match.

Though she doesn't get nearly as much screen time as Shang-Chi or Katy and feels a tad underdeveloped as a result, she's still got a deeply compelling backstory by way of her pronounced daddy issues, namely being rejected by Wuwen because she reminded him of her mother.

But Xialing is less a tragic figure than one who turned her pain into something productive, venturing out and setting up her own fight club which would eventually become the Golden Daggers Club.

The masterstroke comes at the end of the movie, when she fittingly yet unexpectedly takes over the Ten Rings following her father's death.

It doesn't quite seem to signal a black-and-white villainous transformation for Xialing, but simply suggest that she's continuing to look out for number one, all while ensuring the Ten Rings now accepts more female soldiers among its ranks.

Hopefully we might get to see more of Xialing and her new take on the Ten Rings in the near-future, perhaps in a Disney+ series.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.