Sherlock Holmes 3: Everything You Need To Know

7. Director Guy Ritchie Might Not Return...

Sherlock Holmes Avatar
Warner Bros.

Earlier this year, Warner Bros finally made Sherlock Holmes 3 an official, real thing. But across the many trustworthy sources reporting the news - like Deadline - there was no confirmation that director Guy Ritchie would be back behind the camera.

The filmmaker is currently quite busy. At the moment, he's working on Disney's live-action Aladdin remake (with Will Smith as the Genie), which drops in May 2019. Around that time, there's going to be a huge press tour for the film that he'll surely be a part of. Until it's over, there just isn't enough time for him to squeeze in a production the size of Sherlock Holmes 3.

Aladdin Will Smith Naomi Scott
Disney/Instagram: @willsmith

So if the studio wants to wait for him, he won't be free until spring next year at the earliest. Fortunately - with a December 2020 release pencilled in - they can easily afford to wait. Shooting next summer (or even next autumn) is a completely viable option to hit that date.

And if Ritchie doesn't return? There isn't a notable replacement that springs to mind. Maybe Downey could convince Marvel alum Jon Favreau to take the reigns, after his Lion King remake launches next July.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.