10. Gun Barrel Perspective Shot
A staple of the Bond franchise has been its famous opening, with Bond walking across the screen in the center of an assassin's gun barrel. Bond turns around and shoots at the camera, blood trickling down the screen, the gunbarrl fading to white and then opening to reveal the opening scene of the film. When
Casino Royale was released, it was the first Bond film in the franchise's, at the time, 44 year history to not have the gun barrel opening. The film begins with Bond (Daniel Craig), killing two men in order to receive his oo-status. The pre-title sequence ends with Bond turning towards the camera and finishing off the man who is his first kill. As he turns towards the camera, the gun barrel appears, replicating the iconic opening. The gun barrel appeared at the end of the next film,
Quantum of Solace, signfying that Bond had completed his emotional journey and was finally the polished and complete Bond with whom we're familar. It only makes sense then that the gun barrel should be at the beginning of
Skyfall, especially since this is the 50th anniversary of the franchise. What better way to honour 50 years of Bond then to re-introduce, after ten years (2002's
Die Another Day was the last to feature the gun barrel opening), the classic opening? It really gets audiences jazzed for the movie, particularly on the big screen, and right from the get-go establishes a Bond movie as a different breed of action film.