Solo: A Star Wars Story - 10 Fan Service Moments That Will Make You Groan

7. Changing His Mind

Solo A Star Wars Story Chewbacca

The final scenes of Solo: A Star Wars Story introduce the idea of a rebellion growing against the influence of the Galactic Empire - the rebellion that would eventually become the focus of the original Star Wars trilogy. Initially introduced as a rival to Tobias Beckett and his crew, masked crook Enfys Nest transpires to actually be a young woman mounting a resistance movement against the Empire.

At the conclusion of the film, Enfys Nest offers Han the chance to become a part of the rebellion, but he declines as if the chance to take on the worst villains in the galaxy is the most square idea imaginable. It's at this point that a character volunteers the idea that "maybe you'll change your mind" in the future. This marks yet another enormous 'Chubby Hmm' moment in the film and may as well have been accompanied by a neon sign declaring that there's an enormous batch of foreshadowing at play.

Everyone watching Solo: A Star Wars Story knows that this character will eventually become a key player in the downfall of the Empire and so this line of dialogue is yet another reason to shrink into the cinema seat and groan audibly.


Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.