Solo: A Star Wars Story - 17 WTF Moments

1. The Sequel Set-Up

Solo A Star Wars Story Emilia Clarke

Setting up another spin-off for Obi-Wan Kenobi that brings Darth Maul back in as the main villain and culminates in the same battle we've seen them play out in Rebels is one thing, but Solo's confidence in setting up an entirely different sequel is somewhat misplaced.

It would seem that the provisional plan was to explore Han's story further down the line, including him working for Jabba the Hutt and presumably encountering Qu'ira again in her new role as the head of Crimson Dawn. Could she even have been the villain?

But what now? If the film doesn't work out financially, we might never see a follow-up, which means we won't get to see a resolution to Qu'ira and Han's story. Sure, she could appear in Kenobi as an underling to Maul again, but there's old business to be concluded between her and Han. And now it looks like we might not get to see it.

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