Spider-Man: 10 Dumbest Ideas Sony Had For The Franchise Before Teaming With Marvel

3. Kraven's Last Hunt... Without The Buildup

Spider-Man Villains
Marvel Comics

Kraven the Hunter is an iconic Spider-Man villain, and one of his greatest moments came in the classic "Kraven's Last Hunt." That saw him "kill" the web-slinger, bury him, and then take over the mantle for a time so he could beat a bad guy Peter Parker could not: Vermin. Once he'd proved himself the better Spider-Man, Kraven took his own life via a bullet to the head.

This is a storyline Sony execs were also high on long before partnering up with Marvel Studios and it sounds like this was their top choice for the first film starring the web-slinger. Wisely, that didn't happen as it's a very dark, complex storyline which would have felt out of place in a movie that was meant to reintroduce this beloved character to moviegoers.

There's no denying that this should be adapted for the big screen one day, and it probably will be.

However, as noted, rushing straight into this simply does not make sense. A history between the two characters needs to be established first, and the fact Sony wanted to rush straight into it shows they had a real lack of understanding when it comes to storytelling.

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