Spider-Man: 10 Dumbest Ideas Sony Had For The Franchise Before Teaming With Marvel

4. An Aunt May Movie

Spider-Man Villains
Marvel Comics

This is probably going to be a hard one to wrap your head around, but among the Spider-Man spinoffs which were rumoured to be in the works was an Aunt May movie. Yes, you read that right. It's said the prequel was going to be set during the Cold War, with Peter Parker's aunt revealed to be a spy.

Similar in tone to the Agent Carter TV series, firm plot details were never revealed, but Sony clearly felt this particular adventure was a good idea... even when it made absolutely no sense. Even The Amazing Spider-Man star Sally Field acknowledged in an interview that it was borderline nonsensical.

"Aunt May spinoff? And make her the lead? What would you do with her?" the actress wondered when asked about the project. "She has no special powers whatsoever. She was a housewife waiting for the kids to come home. I think they did that: It was called The Donna Reed Show."

As cool as it might have been to make May Parker a little more proactive, when fans think of Aunt May, it's as Peter's doting, sickly mother figure, not a badass superspy taking on the USSR in the 1980s.

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.